An excellent post. Thanks for being honest with an accurate perspective about what it's really like inside a VS. I've definitely witnessed some disillusionment from eager young product people who hope they'll be building and launching sexy new startups 2x per year... and not slogging through endless research and iterating on prototypes that never see the light of day, only to have the idea fail before the validation period even ends (which is definitely preferable to launching a tenuous venture that fails a year post-launch, much more expensively).

It's a lot like management consulting -- looks sexy from the outside, but is hard, often frustrating work, punctuated with a few really amazing highs that make it all worthwhile. Best for those with a strong work ethic and a healthy growth mindset!

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100%. It's why I say that venture studios build businesses not products. Building a business encompasses much more than the product.

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