In a sea of content hurtling at me every minute, along with my focus being constantly torn in many directions while running my business, I find your newsletter relatable, helpful, and worth reading. Looking forward to 2024!
Great job this year, Ben. Here’s another learning - these roundup articles are great - there are a couple of articles listed in here that I need to read but somehow missed the first time around!
In a sea of content hurtling at me every minute, along with my focus being constantly torn in many directions while running my business, I find your newsletter relatable, helpful, and worth reading. Looking forward to 2024!
Thanks Briana - that means a lot. Happy Holidays!
"I will forever be in awe of and grateful for people who decide to start companies." 🙏🏽
It takes great supporters and wizards of knowledge to help steer the ship. Thanks for a great year of insightful reads.
Great job this year, Ben. Here’s another learning - these roundup articles are great - there are a couple of articles listed in here that I need to read but somehow missed the first time around!
Thanks Chris! I appreciate that. Have a great holiday.